Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Sunday VS Your Man Boobs

I hope you had a great time on superbowl sunday yesterday. I know, it took a lot of restraint holding back from more than a few buffalo wings.

Sticking with a man boobs diet is no small feat. We overcome gynecomastia meal by meal. Keep your mouth occupied. Chew gum, drink lots of water - stay motivated to overcome your man boobs.

Everyday, you're one step closer to meeting your goal.

All the best!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How Do I Lose Chest Fat

“How do I lose chest fat?” is likely the most common question among guys who are dealing with man boobs, which is actually a medical condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of breasts in males. Although it is generally not a harmful condition, it can cause anxiety and low self esteem for obvious reasons.

The best answer to the question “How do I lose chest fat?” is diet and exercise. There is no magic pill that will deflate them over night and while surgery is an option; it is certainly not easy or a quick fix if you consider the possible risks and complications, not to mention pain, recovery time and cost. It is not possible to perform spot fat reduction on your chest alone, so when you undergo a fat burning workout, it involves losing fat from all over your body. The fatty tissues in your chest will be reduced, decreasing the size of your breasts. And since your next question is probably “What exercises should I do to lose chest fat?” the answer really ANY KIND OF EXERCISE!

Cardio exercises are a must because they help you burn calories and fat in fairly rapidly. If you are a beginner, you can start off by walking approximately 30 minutes to an hour and gradually increase your pace and prolong your routine as your exercise level increases. Doing aerobic exercises for about an hour several times a week is also a good way to get in your cardio. You can also try out other cardio exercises, such as jogging and biking.

Interval training is an important technique used in the management of gynecomastia. Interval training involves alternating between intense and easy exercises. For example, you can do about a minute of sprinting, followed by 2-3 minutes of brisk walking to help you catch your breath. Repeat this around 8-10 times. Perform this interval training a 3-4 times a week. Playing sports is another way to accomplish interval training, since sports is usually a mixture of high- and low-intensity activities.

Doing interval training actually burns more fat at a faster rate than typical cardio exercises. It also increases your metabolism, helping your body burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. It also helps reduce the buildup of fat in your chest, so that once you lose your man boobs, you won’t develop them again.

Both cardio exercises and interval training are best done in the morning. Since your body glucose levels are depleted, your body will start burning fat faster. These exercises are best combined with weight training exercises to help tone your muscles.

Just like with trying to lose weight on a big belly; exercise will always work bets when accompanied by a proper diet. I know it sounds like a drag, but a diet that is low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables is not much to ask to help get rid of your man boobs! Hey, you asked the question ‘how do I lose chest fat’ now dealing with the answer is up to you.

Ready to take the next step? You can start right now at

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Naturally Cure Gynecomastia

If you want to learn how to naturally cure gynecomastia, you've come to the right place. has been helping man boob sufferers just like yourself, learn how to naturally cure gynecomastia for years.

The resources teach you how to naturally cure gynecomastia through a specific step-by-step diet plan, exercise regimen and the use of natural herbal supplements that speed up fat burning to the chest and nipple area.

I've gotten emails from people saying that they've seen their puffy nipples flatten out in a matter of just three weeks after learning how to naturally cure gynecomastia. Really, the resources at make it easy for you. The site has been designed as a blueprint for anyone who wants to lose man boobs whether they suffer from Pseudogynecomastia (due to excess body fat) or generalized Gynecomastia (due to hormonal flucutuations).

Don't try to just figure out how to naturally cure gynecomastia on your own. has a laid out recipe for losing your gynecomastis as fast as possible. We've done the homework for you. Now you just need to get some motivation and follow through with your goal.

The site isn't just designed to tell you exactly how to naturally cure gynecomastia (although it does that pretty well). Think of the site as your own personal fitness coach, showing you the most effective way to end your embarrassing problem. You can visit the site right now by CLICKING HERE.

Make to day the last day you live with your man boobs. Learn how to naturally cure gynecomastia and start to love yourself in the mirror just a little more every morning. I followed the regiment with so many other success stories. I'm so glad I did. Learning how to naturally cure gynecomastia without surgery is one of my proudest personal achievements today. Are you ready to set this goal and see it through? I hope so. See you on the other side!

Turmeric Chest Fat Burner

I thought I'd share my experience taking the turmeric chest fat burning supplement. Firstly, let me just say that after taking turmeric, chest fat definitely melted off my man boobs a LOT faster.

I mean when i took the turmeric chest fat burning pill, I was definitely hitting the gym hard so I can't just discount that fact. However, I can confidently say that without taking the turmeric chest fat burner, my pecs wouldn't have gotten into shape so quickly.

The hardest part about taking the turmeric chest fat burner supplement was remembering to take the darn pill everyday. Luckily, every morning I'd look in the mirror and my man boobs would give me the reminder I needed :)

That's that thing about the turmeric chest fat burner. You actually want to take it because the results become noticeable after just a couple of weeks.

In case you're unaware, Turmeric has been used to burn chest fat for years. It's a natural spice that was first discovered in India as a metabolism booster. What's unique about turmeric chest fat burning is that it act as a natural anti-inflammatory. This means that glandular tissue and fatty tissue are shrunken with its continued use. The spice also concentrates fat burning to many of these glandular areas. The one we're interested in is of course your chest fat (underneath the nipples).

I loved my experience using the turmeric chest fat burner. I'm sure you'll have the same successful results that I experienced. If you'd like to pick up your own bottle of Turmeric Chest Fat Burner, you can do so by CLICKING HERE.

Does Gynexin Really Work?

Does Gynexin really work? It's quite a common question asked among man boobs sufferers everywhere. To be honest the answer isn't so straight forward. That's because asking "Does Gynexin really work?" is like posing a loaded question.

As you should know by now, anything worth achieving takes effort. Getting rid of man boobs is no exception to this rule.

Gynexin is a natural herbal supplement that enhances your metabolism and concentrates fat burning to the area just under the nipples. It really gets rid of the puffy nipples look that man boobs can give you.

I've had people wondering does gynexing really work after just a couple of days of use. Of course they hadn't changed their eating habits or started a regular gym regimen yet.

Let me just set your expectations right now. Yes Gynexin does really work. However, you've got to eat right and follow the specific "Lose Man Boobs" regimen at Let me use an analogy here. Losing man boobs can be compared to baking an apple pie. If you're using someone else's coveted recipe, you know you'll wind up with a delicious tasting apple pie.

Conversely, if you just make up your own recipe (workout routines, diet etc.), you're taking the risk of having a terrible tasting apple pie. Follow the routine at It's a proven recipe for success in losing man boobs. Now, does gynexin really work? Absolutely.

If you want to lose your man boobs fast and without surgery, gynexin provides you with a great way to get there. You've got to put in the effort though. There's no such thing as a miracle cure.

You know what luck is? It's when opportunity meets preparation. That's exactly what will do for you. It will prepare you for the opportunity to lose man boobs without surgery.

Gynexin is going to be the supplement to speed up the whole process for you. I've known people to lose man boobs naturally while using Gynexin in just a couple of months. The fact is, does gynexin really work - yes. Will it work for you - yes. How soon will you lose your man boobs with Gynexin? It depends on how committed you are to getting to the gym and eating right.

How can you get your hands on some Gynexin? - Well you can start by CLICKING HERE of course.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gynecomastia Bra

Ever see that episode of Seinfeld where George's dad invents a gynecomastia bra that he proudly title's "the Manzeer"? Ahh, what a great episode!

In all honesty it hit a little too close to home for me, having gynecomastia at the time. Really, back then I could have used a gynecomastia bra. It's embarrassing to admit, but my man boobs were that bad.

Well, listen to how times have changed...

They actually do make a type of gynecomastia bra, of course it's not called a "bra". That would be just a tad bit depressing huh?

The gynecomastia bra I'm referring to is called a "Gynecomastia Garment". Not much better? lol

Well, either way, it is what it is. If you can't face up to the fact that you have man boobs by now, you suffer from denial. So let's call a spade a spade and admit that this is to an extent a gynecomastia bra.

The gynecomastia bra works as a compression vest (sleeveless) so you can wear it with a tee shirt, a work shirt or anything you can think of. They make it super lightweight because obviously you'll want to wear it in hot weather as well. I've tried them just to see how they feel and I can say they are quite comfortable.

Never did I imagine a day when gynecomastia would be so prevalent among men that we'd need a gynecomastia bra mass produced. It's incredible. I always forget that over 60% of men develop man boobs at some point in their lives.

This gynecomastia bra is great for you if you live everyday wondering how to hide man boobs. The compression gives you confidence wearing even the tightest of shirts while still maintaining comfort.

You can check out this gynecomastia bra by CLICKING HERE.

Turmeric Gets Rid of Man Boobs

It's true! Turmeric gets rid of man boobs. Now, this isn't a magic solution that you'll take overnight, waking in the morning with a flat, ripped chest - but it is true that turmeric gets rid of man boobs. This has been proven for years now.

So how do we know that turmeric gets rid of man boobs?

Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in india and has gained popularity across the world as one of the most powerful natural healers.

Some of it's more well known uses include:
- it can be applied to wounds as a natural antiseptic to prevent infection.
- when combined with cauliflower, it's been shown to prevent and fight prostate cancer
- it's been shown to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in lab mice
- has been used to fight melanoma (skin cancer)
- naturally detoxifies the liver
- aids in fat metabolism
- stops the growth of new blood vessels in tumors
- anti-inflammatory properties ease arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- works as a mild pain reliever from joint and muscle pain...

Really I could go on and on and on about turmeric and its natural health benefits. There are so many uses for it today in modern medicine that it's amazing. However, I know you've come here to learn how turmeric gets rid of man boobs, so I'll just stick to the topic.

Turmeric gets rid of man boobs quite effectively due to its anti-inflammatory affect on cells. This includes fat cells as well as glandular cells. Why is this important? Because it means turmeric can be used to fight both Pseudogynecomastia (fatty deposits) as well as Generalized Gynecomstia (Glandular inflamation).

Turmeric gets rid of of man boobs by aiding in the metabolizing of fat stores underneath the nipple area. Most people who say turmeric gets rid of man boobs sweat that their puffy nipples shrink up in a matter of about two weeks.

Of course turmeric gets rid of man boobs only in conjunction with the right eating habits and exercise regimen, so don't think by adding this spice to your diet, you're doing all you need to.

Be smart when you use this supplement. Turmeric gets rid of man boobs quickly if you use it to its full potential - and you can do that by taking advantage of all the tips at