Sunday, September 28, 2008

How Do I Lose Chest Fat

“How do I lose chest fat?” is likely the most common question among guys who are dealing with man boobs, which is actually a medical condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of breasts in males. Although it is generally not a harmful condition, it can cause anxiety and low self esteem for obvious reasons.

The best answer to the question “How do I lose chest fat?” is diet and exercise. There is no magic pill that will deflate them over night and while surgery is an option; it is certainly not easy or a quick fix if you consider the possible risks and complications, not to mention pain, recovery time and cost. It is not possible to perform spot fat reduction on your chest alone, so when you undergo a fat burning workout, it involves losing fat from all over your body. The fatty tissues in your chest will be reduced, decreasing the size of your breasts. And since your next question is probably “What exercises should I do to lose chest fat?” the answer really ANY KIND OF EXERCISE!

Cardio exercises are a must because they help you burn calories and fat in fairly rapidly. If you are a beginner, you can start off by walking approximately 30 minutes to an hour and gradually increase your pace and prolong your routine as your exercise level increases. Doing aerobic exercises for about an hour several times a week is also a good way to get in your cardio. You can also try out other cardio exercises, such as jogging and biking.

Interval training is an important technique used in the management of gynecomastia. Interval training involves alternating between intense and easy exercises. For example, you can do about a minute of sprinting, followed by 2-3 minutes of brisk walking to help you catch your breath. Repeat this around 8-10 times. Perform this interval training a 3-4 times a week. Playing sports is another way to accomplish interval training, since sports is usually a mixture of high- and low-intensity activities.

Doing interval training actually burns more fat at a faster rate than typical cardio exercises. It also increases your metabolism, helping your body burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. It also helps reduce the buildup of fat in your chest, so that once you lose your man boobs, you won’t develop them again.

Both cardio exercises and interval training are best done in the morning. Since your body glucose levels are depleted, your body will start burning fat faster. These exercises are best combined with weight training exercises to help tone your muscles.

Just like with trying to lose weight on a big belly; exercise will always work bets when accompanied by a proper diet. I know it sounds like a drag, but a diet that is low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables is not much to ask to help get rid of your man boobs! Hey, you asked the question ‘how do I lose chest fat’ now dealing with the answer is up to you.

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